Meet Our Attorneys

Henry D. Kass
Henry D. Kass is a partner at MKFM Law, LLC, who focuses primarily in the areas of domestic relations, guardianship, and criminal law. He obtained his bachelor of arts from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa and also studied abroad at the University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain. Following his studies overseas, Henry attended the University of Iowa College of Law where he obtained his Juris Doctorate. Thereafter, he became an Assistant State’s Attorney with the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office under now Appellate Court Justice, Joseph E. Birkett.

Stacey A. McCullough
Stacey McCullough has more than 20 years of experience litigating cases involving felonies, misdemeanors, juvenile crime, and traffic violations. She is dedicated to defending those accused of criminal charges, and she approaches each case with compassion, honesty, and the tenacity that clients need to achieve positive results. Her experience in administrative law matters provides clients with the keen eye needed to address the legal issues that may arise when they are looking to expunge or seal criminal records. She represents clients in DuPage, Cook, Kane, Will, and Kendall Counties.
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