Illinois Expungement Attorneys

Aggressive Expungement Lawyers in DuPage County and Cook County
When an individual is arrested in Illinois, it automatically goes on their permanent record. Even if the charges are dropped, the case is dismissed or they gain acquittal, the record remains unless you are proactive and petition to have your name cleared. This can be a confusing and challenging process; therefore, it is best to have a skilled expungements attorney in your corner aggressively advocating for your interests.
Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers have extensive knowledge of this area of the law, including the most recent changes, and we know what circumstances qualify to have your record expunged, and which might require an alternative course of action. We offer Initial Attorney Meetings, and our attorneys' fees are reasonable.
We handle a wide range of expungement cases in Illinois, including but not limited to:
- Misdemeanor Expungement
- Felony Expungement
- Traffic Expungement
- Municipal Ordinance Violation Expungement
- Juvenile Records Expungement
- Record Sealing
- Alternative Remedies
Expungement is the legal process by which a prior criminal incident is erased from your record and any official indexes, making it seem as if it never happened; as opposed to criminal record sealing, wherein the record still remains, but it is not visible to the public. After a petition to expunge is filed, objecting parties, including the Illinois State Police, the State’s Attorney, and any arresting agency have 60 days after filing a petition to expunge to object to your records being expunged.
To find out if you qualify for an expungement, it is best to start by obtaining a copy of your criminal record. Our attorney will thoroughly examine your record to determine if you meet the criteria. If you are not eligible to have your record expunged, we will look at other options such as record sealing or an alternative remedy.
For an Initial Attorney Meeting with our skilled Illinois Expungements Lawyers, contact us today. Our attorneys represent clients for expungements and other criminal matters throughout the Chicago area including Cook County, Kane County, DuPage County and Will County.
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