Illinois Misdemeanor Expungement Attorneys

Skilled Misdemeanor Expungement Lawyers in DuPage County, Cook County and Kane County
Individuals with misdemeanor charges and/or convictions in Illinois have a permanent criminal history. A criminal record can be very costly in many areas, such as being denied credit, employment, housing, financial aid for college, and permission to carry a firearm. In certain instances, your misdemeanor records may be eligible for expungement. This can be a confusing process, thus it is best to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney before getting started.
Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers have a strong track record of success helping obtain misdemeanor expungements for clients throughout the Chicago area. We have in-depth knowledge of this area of the law, and how to skillfully navigate through the common pitfalls to guide our clients to a favorable outcome. We thoroughly examine your specific circumstances up front to determine your qualifications for an expungement.
Which Misdemeanors Qualify for an Expungement in Illinois?
A three-step process determines whether you are statutorily eligible to expunge a misdemeanor: (1) the misdemeanor must qualify (actual charge versus what was originally charged), (2) the waiting period must be satisfied, and (3) there are no pending criminal (excluding traffic) cases.
- Any misdemeanor conviction relating to domestic violence (including no contact, stalking, or violation of order of protection) is ineligible by statute. If your domestic violence case was dismissed or you were acquitted (not guilty) then there is no waiting period and you are immediately eligible.
- Any misdemeanor conviction relating to DUI (including reckless driving) is ineligible by statute. If your DUI or reckless driving was dismissed or you were acquitted (not guilty) then there is no waiting period and you are immediately eligible. If you were convicted of a reckless driving before the age of 25, you may, in limited circumstances also be eligible for an expungement.
- Any misdemeanor conviction relating to a sex crime (excluding prostitution), dog fighting, battery to an unborn child, and anything that would subject you to the Sex Offender Registration Act is ineligible by statute.
- Any misdemeanor charge, where the charges were: dropped, dismissed, acquitted (not guilty), or arrested without charging, is immediately eligible for expunging.
- Any misdemeanor where court supervision was granted and successfully completed is eligible for an expungement 2 years after the successful completion of court supervision.
- Any misdemeanor where qualified probation (including Chapter 20 and “First Offender”) was granted and successfully completed is eligible for an expungement 5 years after the successful completion of qualified probation.
There are other less common exceptions to both the general rules listed above and the required waiting periods. If you have been convicted of a misdemeanor (conditional discharge or probation), you may qualify for criminal record sealing. Alternative remedies such as petitioning for executive clemency may also be explored if your misdemeanor conviction does not qualify for expungement or record sealing.
Having misdemeanors expunged from your criminal record can be a challenging and confrontational process, but the end result is a cleared name and a fresh start moving forward. Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers explore every available legal avenue to ensure a successful outcome. For an Initial Attorney Meeting, contact us online. Our lawyers represent clients for expungements and other criminal matters throughout the Chicago area including Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, Will County, and Northern Illinois.
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