Illinois Felony Expungement Attorneys

Skilled and Aggressive Felony Expungements Lawyer DuPage County, Cook County and Kane County
Felony arrests and convictions can have an adverse impact on your future. What many do not realize, however, is that even if the charges against you are dropped, your case is dismissed, or you are acquitted, felony charges remain on your criminal record. To have them removed, you must be proactive and seek an expungement if you are eligible. This can be a difficult process; thus, it is best to have an experienced criminal defense attorney in your corner fighting to protect your interests.
Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers have helped individuals throughout the Chicago area obtain expungements, record sealing, or alternative remedies for felony charges that are on their criminal record. We have in-depth knowledge of this area of the law, what circumstances make you eligible for a felony expungement, and what is necessary to ensure a smooth and successful process.
How Do I Qualify for a Felony Expungement?
Most felonies in Illinois are ineligible for expungement; however, there are a few exceptions.
- Any felony charge, where the charges were: dropped, dismissed, acquitted (not guilty), or arrested without charging, is immediately eligible for expunging.
- Any felony where qualified probation (including Chapter 20 and “First Offender”) was granted and successfully completed is eligible for an expungement 5 years after the successful completion of qualified probation.
If you are not an honorably discharged military veteran, you cannot have your felony conviction expunged. If you do not qualify for an expungement, you may still be able to get your felony sealed. If expungement and record sealing are unavailable, you may consider obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation, a certificate for relief from disabilities, or filing a petition for executive clemency with the Illinois Prisoner Review Board.
Contact an Illinois Expungement Attorney
Having a felony on your criminal record can lead to serious negative consequences, such as denial of employment, housing, and financial aid. Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers offer affordable representation for those who want to have a clean criminal record. For an Initial Attorney Meeting with a skilled felony expungement lawyer, contact us today. Our attorneys represent clients for expungements and other criminal matters throughout the Chicago area.
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