Am I Eligible for Expungement in Illinois?

Illinois Expungement Attorneys Clearing Your Criminal Record
Many individuals who are charged with misdemeanors and felonies do not realize that an arrest becomes part of your criminal record, regardless of the final outcome. Fortunately, you can have these records erased through the process of expungement. Before you begin the process, however, you must find out if you qualify. To learn if you are eligible for an expungement, start by asking the following questions:
You may be immediately statutorily eligible for an expungement if the final disposition of your case was that charges were: dropped, dismissed, acquitted (not guilty) or arrested without charging. This is true regardless of whether you were charged with a felony or a misdemeanor. These dispositions are immediately eligible for expunging irrespective of whether you have any criminal cases pending.
Any misdemeanor where you received court supervision is eligible two years after the successful completion of court supervision, except for the following:
- Domestic Violence (including no contact, stalking, or a violation of an order of protection)
- DUI (including reckless driving) unless it was a reckless driving conviction before the age of 25
- Sex Crimes (excluding prostitution), Dog Fighting, Batter to an Unborn Child, and anything that would subject you to the Sex Offender Registration Act
DID YOU GET QUALIIFIED PROBATION (Chapter 20 and “First Offender”)?
If you received qualified probation for any felony or misdemeanor, you are statutory eligible for expungement 5 years after the successful completion of qualified probation.
If you are not eligible to have your criminal records expunged, there are other options you may be able to take advantage of. For example, record sealing can accomplish a similar result, although there are still a few employers who can still access your records. If you cannot qualify for either expungement or sealing, an alternative remedy such as petitioning for executive clemency or seeking a certificate of rehabilitation may be the best strategy.
Contact Our Illinois Expungement Attorneys
Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers have a track record of success helping individuals with expungements in Chicago. We offer reasonable rates and a simple, flat fee structure, so you know ahead of time the total cost to move forward. For an Initial Attorney Meeting with an experienced and skilled expungement attorney, contact us today Our lawyers represent clients for expungements and other criminal matters throughout the Chicagoland area.
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