Illinois Record Sealing Attorneys

Skilled Guidance with Criminal Record Sealing in the Chicago Area
If you have been arrested in Illinois, you have a criminal record. It does not make a difference if you were convicted or not, the arrest remains on your record unless you are proactive and take action to have it removed. In many instances, you may qualify for an expungement. If that is not possible, however, criminal record sealing may be your best option. To find out the right strategy in your case, it is best to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers have successfully represented individuals throughout the Chicago area who have arrest records. We have in-depth knowledge of this area of the law, and we know which circumstances qualify for expungement or record sealing, and which may require an alternative remedy.
Expungement vs. Record Sealing in Illinois
Expungements and record sealing are two separate processes that can accomplish a similar goal. Expungement is preferable, because it means your criminal record is wiped clean as if it never happened. Once the process is complete, potential employers, landlords, lenders, and anyone else you interact with would never know you had an arrest record unless you tell them. For this reason, if your case qualifies, this is the route you want to take.
With criminal record sealing, your record still exists, but it cannot be accessed by the general public. The court system and law enforcement agencies still maintain copies, and your record can be accessed by a handful of employers: the military, schools, and health care companies.
In general, most misdemeanor convictions can be sealed or expunged; notable exceptions include DUIs (including reckless driving), domestic violence (including no contact, stalking, and violation of order of protection) and sex crimes (excluding prostitution). Most felony convictions do not qualify for either expungement or sealing. There are exceptions for certain enumerated felonies:
- Any misdemeanor for felony conviction where the ultimate disposition was qualified probation (Chapter 20 and “First Offender”).
- Class 4 Felonies
- Prostitution
- Possessing of Cannabis
- Possession of Controlled Substance (E.g. Cocaine, Heroin, Oxycodone, Benzodiazepines, Morphine, LSD, etc.)
- Possession of Steroids
- Theft and Retail Theft
- Deceptive Practices and Forgery
- Possession of Burglary Tools
- Class 3 Felonies
- Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Deliver a Controlled Substance (E.g. Cocaine, Heroin, Oxycodone, Benzodiazepines, Morphine, LSD, etc.)
- Theft and Retail Theft
- Deceptive Practices and Forgery
Contact an Illinois Record Sealing Lawyer
Criminal record sealing can be a viable alternative in circumstances in which you are not eligible for expungement. You can accomplish a similar practical result by preventing most employers and the general public from viewing your criminal history. To find out which option is best for you, contact attorneys. Our Illinois Expungement Lawyers represent clients for expungements and other criminal matters throughout the Chicago area.
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